The Word Learning Centre  Pte Ltd

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Child Development





Is there a difference between a child that has attended a structured preschool curriculum and one that attends a child care programme majoring in the care of a child?

From to 2 to 7 years the neural development in a child is amazing . The child exposed to a household with three languages is able to pickup all three languages . Athletes like swimmers and musicians  start training for the sport and music at age 2 . This  illustrates the capacity of the human mind and what it is capable of. 

Parents who do not capitalise on this are  wasting  their opportunity to impact their child positively. Time is  a precious commodity . 

At TWLC we had, had the opportunity to see siblings who had joined us from the different child care and those who had been with us from age 2 . The difference between behavior , intelligence, discipline and confidence based on comparing at the same ages was markedly clear. 

Some parents wrongly attributed it to genetics. Unfortunately, language,  oratory skills, etiquitte has to be  taught and genetics takes a minor role in these . Their preschool experience impacts their gauge of what is available to them as they age and the associations they have with others.  It is available to parents who value these compared to purely academic achievements. 

Languages are harder learnt as they grow older . Many having negative impact with languages at age 2 to 6, and  find it harder to learn it when they reach 7 and above. 

At TWLC using multiple intelligences ,the lessons are tailor made for each child in order to maximise learning without leaving any negative effect. The child enjoys the learning process and is only challenged when they have been built up , to prepare them for primary school .

Nevertheless , preschool is only the start of the learning journey. The blog on education will give you rough outline of what is expected in the Singapore school system.


What about  the Singapore school system that makes education for preschool almost compulsory?

The Singapore public system has one of the highest standards in the world. Language , math and Science skills are highest in the world. It needs to be , to be competitive globally. So preschoolers will need to be able to read and write in two languages and do math .Preschool education is to ensure that. Some parents feel it’s too much too early . However, doing it later adds greater stress to the child’s growing up years and has poorer outlook due to their inability to adapt. 

Weighing all these, TWLC has customised our curriculum to meet Singapore’s needs. We can’t say that the  Reggio or Walton or Montessori will be able to prepare them such unless it has been modified to cater to the local system. Equipping the preschoolers with the tools of primary school without compromising on the  child hood fun is the main objective of TWLC. The experience of  being able to handle some mathematical and scientific concepts will allow the students to be well adjusted for PSLE , the major Primary School exam at age 12. Prepare them and teh journey will be fun and rewarding . Don’t it will be ardous and demanding both for parents and child alike. 

Schools do use their own streaming mechanism to stream students in to different classes to manage workload and some kind of ranking to monitor progress and evaluate achievement overall. Parents are made aware of the these during the Parent Teachers’ meeting .

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